Welcome to our membership page. Becoming a Certified Stormwater Volunteer is the first step in helping to improve water quality in your community!
Assisting National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permittees with permit compliance through public education and participation is vital to the success of eliminating the largest source of pollution to our waterways.
Here is a list of membership* benefits:
Create and participate in local clean water activities
- Report Permit Violations
- Participate in stormwater permit development
- Participate in permit comments
- Receive the Stormwater Quarterly newsletter-free!
- Free library access to numerous journals and articles
- Understand illicit discharges
- EPA/NPDES history
- Political Reality
- Webinar series: ( 4 Modules) Click
a) CSV Training
b) Public Participation
c) Reporting Illicit Discharges
d) Clean Water Act Litigation
To qualify, fill out the application below, attend the CSV class, attend one quarterly one-hour webinar and pay your annual membership dues of $50 Pay Here!
Fill out the application below and get started!
* This application entitles you to a non-voting membership to John Penn Whitescarver Foundation.