Compliance Projects in Action

Project 1: Self-Audit Templates for Permittees

Once NPDES Permittees understand the law and recognize the need to comply, they have a need to measure it. There are several ways to measure a permit’s strengths and weaknesses.

Most non-compliance issues are the result of failing to apply for, or comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The National Stormwater Center (NSWC) wants to work with permittees to help them achieve compliance and to develop ways for permittees to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses:

  1. The Free Self-Audit Template for MS4, Construction or Industrial (Below)
  2. Self-Audit Permit Assistance
  3. Site Visit

 NOTE* If you choose the Free Self-Audit template, you should replace each line item requirement on the audit template with your permit requirements. Also you can change the rating of each requirement to reflect your understanding of the importance of each permit requirement.

Click here to download a FREE self-audit template of your choice!

If you find that you need further assistance, the Self-Audit Permit Assistance or Site Visit, may be more helpful. For more information on personalized permit assistance, Click Here!

Project 2: Certified Stormwater Volunteer (CSV)

Certified Stormwater Volunteer training and certification by the National Stormwater Center™

The objective of this project is to provide organized citizen participation in the EPA stormwater runoff permit program. NPDES permits are issued by EPA and authorized states to manage them. The permits require municipalities to provide funding and to perform several programs including: (1) public education to control polluted runoff, (2) public participation to identify measurable pollution controls and, (3) citizen reporting of illicit discharges.

This is accomplished by attending a Certified Stormwater Volunteer (CSV) four-hour training for NPDES permit best practices. A trained Volunteer would learn how to locate and report illicit discharges in their community. The benefits: reducing the largest source of pollution to their waterways while at the same time, helping their municipality become compliant with their permit!

Additional Training will be offered on a quarterly basis through our webinar series. Part of organized citizen participation also includes public commenting and development on local NPDES permits and education on litigation under the Clean Water Act.

 We need your donation  to provide continued educational activities to citizens who become Certified Stormwater Volunteers!